CallTou Discover Peace of Mind with the WiFi Caregiver Pager Watch Call Button – No Monthly Fees, Simple Setup, and Always Reliable


1 Watch & 1 Receiver1 Watch & 1 Receiver
1 Button & 1 Watch & 1 Receiver1 Button & 1 Watch & 1 Receiver
$54.99 $45.99
Proveedor: CallToU SKU: TY03-03WBL-1-1

Product Description

Tuya Wireless Caregiver Pager with Alert Watch Call Button

The call system includes plug-in model receiver and wireless call button, there is no monthly fee for our mobile app notification, if you need SMS or phone call notification, you need to subscribe extra.

alert button that calls cell phone

Medical Alert Systems for Seniors

Caregiver Call Button

Bed Alarms for Elderly

emergency call button to cell phone

Take Care Your Loved One Easily

  • Taking care of a loved one or a patient is not an easy task. That is why it is very convenient to have a this app caregiver pager that will help you attend to your loved one,patients or guests.
caregiver pager wireless call button

Watch Call Buttons

  • The watch is configured in the same way as a normal button, you can refer to the manual or the button pairing video in our page for pairing.


Life Alert Systems for Seniors No Monthly Fee

Life Alert Systems for Seniors No Monthly Fee

Panic Button for Elderly

Q:What should I do if the receiver can't connect to the mobile app (network connection failure)?

1. Check if you are using 2.4GHz network, if you are using 5G network, you can switch the router's network to 2.4GHz for pairing, and then switch to 5GHz network after pairing is complete.

2. Try to reboot the router.


Should I be charged a monthly fee?

There is no charge for our app notifications, but if you need message or phone call notifications, then you will need to subscribe.


Can the buttons be used outdoors?

It is recommended to use it at home. The distance between the button and the distress receiver to be used is about 500 feet, please use it within that range.


The receiver keeps ringing, how do I turn it off?

1. "Disarm" via your cell phone

2. set the ringing time via your cell phone, it may be caused by setting the duration too long.


How will I receive alerts on my cell phone?

You have to connect the receiver to your cell phone software and you will be able to receive alert notifications from the app.For better signal reception, the distance between the router and receiver should preferably be within 50FT.


Product information


Los siguientes descuentos se aplican automáticamente a los pedidos realizados de productos en toda la tienda :

Obtenga $ 45.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $ 340.00

Obtenga $ 30.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $ 260.00

Obtenga $ 20.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $200.00

Obtenga $ 12.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $ 140.00

Obtenga $ 6.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $ 80.00

Obtenga $2.00 de descuento en todo su pedido con una compra mínima de $30.00

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