Does Carbonated Water Flush Kidneys?

Does Carbonated Water Flush Kidneys?

The Impact of Carbonated Water on Kidney Health: Myths and Facts

Carbonated water, known for its refreshing fizz, has raised questions about its effects on kidney function. Can it "flush" the kidneys, or is this just a myth? Let’s explore the truth behind these claims.

What is Carbonated Water?

Also called sparkling or fizzy water, carbonated water is made by dissolving carbon dioxide into water. It’s enjoyed plain or flavored, but it shouldn’t be confused with sugary sodas, which have entirely different health impacts.

Debunking the Myth

The idea that carbonated water flushes kidneys is unfounded. While hydration is crucial for kidney function, there is no evidence that fizzy water improves this process compared to still water. Kidneys filter blood and remove waste through urine, relying on adequate water intake, not carbonation.

Considerations for Kidney Health

  1. Acidity: Carbonated water is mildly acidic, but it’s generally safe. People with acid reflux or digestive issues may need to limit their intake.

  2. Additives: Some flavored carbonated waters contain sugars or artificial sweeteners. Excessive consumption of these can harm overall health, including kidney function.

  3. Hydration: Both carbonated and still water help with hydration, which is key for kidney health. If carbonation encourages you to drink more water, it can be beneficial.


Carbonated water doesn’t flush kidneys any better than still water. Both types hydrate the body, supporting kidney health. To maintain healthy kidneys, focus on staying hydrated and avoiding sugary, additive-laden drinks.

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