Alcohol impacts individuals in profoundly damaging ways. After over a decade of addiction, I have experienced the effects of vodka, wine, beer, cider, and whisky firsthand. Each has its own dangers, but some have been far more destructive than others.
Vodka: The Most Lethal
At my worst, I consumed two liters of vodka daily. While technically "cleaner" than other alcohols due to distillation, its potency wreaked havoc on my body. My stomach and throat were in constant pain, I gained excessive weight despite a lack of appetite, and I suffered relentless sickness and dehydration. My liver function was 400 times abnormal, and doctors warned I had months to live. Withdrawals were excruciating—seizures, hallucinations, and total disconnection from reality.
Wine: The Worst Hangovers
After three years of vodka, I switched to wine, believing it was a more manageable alternative. I was wrong. The hangovers were unbearable, and I observed that long-term wine drinkers aged rapidly, their skin flushed and health deteriorating. Any potential benefits of moderation do not apply to alcoholics, and within three months, I was too unwell to continue.
Beer: The Lesser Evil
Beer is difficult to drink in large quantities due to carbonation, making it less physically destructive in my experience. However, it is still alcohol and still carries long-term risks. For those who can consume it in excess, dependency is just as dangerous.
Cider: A Sugary Trap
Cider became my primary drink for six years. While its lower alcohol content seemed safer, the extreme acidity destroyed my stomach, causing morning sickness and chronic discomfort. The high sugar content also damaged my teeth. Though I never reached full intoxication as I did with vodka, it still maintained my addiction.
Whisky: The Brutal Aftermath
Whisky delivered some of the worst hangovers I’ve ever experienced—crippling nausea and migraines. Any claimed benefits in moderation were irrelevant, as excessive consumption led to severe physical consequences.
Vodka Again: A Near-Death Experience
After a brief period of sobriety, I relapsed on vodka during a holiday in 2019. Within a month, I developed alcohol-induced hepatitis, became incapacitated, lost 30 pounds, and turned jaundiced. I was hospitalized, suffering from delirium tremens and hallucinations. That experience made me swear off spirits permanently.
None Are Safe
No form of alcohol is safe for an alcoholic. While beer may be less immediately harmful, and wine appears socially acceptable, all have devastating long-term effects. I am grateful for a supportive partner and access to treatment, but not everyone is so fortunate. If I could maintain sobriety, I would dedicate myself to educating others about the horrors of addiction.
Final Thoughts
Alcohol takes far more than it gives—health, dignity, and life itself. If you’re considering drinking, I urge you to reconsider. A soda or a cup of tea may not seem as exciting, but it won’t destroy your future.