My blood pressure is 135/100 and sometimes it 140/110. Is it normal?

My blood pressure is 135/100 and sometimes it 140/110. Is it normal?

When you get your blood pressure checked, you see two numbers . The top one (135 or 140 in your case) is the pressure in your arteries when your heart squeezes . The bottom one (100 or 110) is the pressure between beats, when your heart rests .

A good blood pressure is less than 120/80 . Your readings show you have high blood pressure . This means your heart is working too hard .

If you don't take care of high blood pressure, it can cause big problems like heart attacks, strokes, and kidney damage .

The good news is you can often manage high blood pressure with lifestyle changes and sometimes medicine .

Lifestyle changes include healthy eating, less salt, regular exercise, and managing stress . If those aren't enough, your doctor might suggest medication .

It's important to get your blood pressure checked often, even if you feel fine . High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so it's important to find it early .

Managing high blood pressure is a lifelong journey, but it's worth it for your health . If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor . They can help you make a plan that's right for you .

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