What Three Things Should a Person Avoid Once They Are Past 70 Years Old?

What Three Things Should a Person Avoid Once They Are Past 70 Years Old?

I have been 70 now for a few months. Here are the things I choose to avoid from now till the day I leave this mortal coil.

#1 - The Scorn of Others for Things I Choose to Do in My Daily Life

As I navigate this new chapter of my life, I refuse to bow to the scorn of others regarding my personal choices. I assert the autonomy to dress, eat, and spend my time as I see fit. Whether I garden in my pajamas until noon, indulge in ice cream, embark on a solo hike, or read banned books, these actions are expressions of my freedom. At this stage of life, it is crucial to shed societal expectations and revel in personal liberty.

#2 - I Avoid Unpleasant People

Life’s brevity becomes increasingly apparent with age, and with that realization comes the wisdom to eschew unpleasant company. I no longer endure the presence of those who do not contribute to my happiness. My circle now comprises individuals who uplift and respect me. Disrespect has no place in my interactions; civil discourse is welcomed, but not at the expense of my peace. This selective companionship ensures my remaining years are filled with joy and harmony.

#3 - I Avoid Convention

Convention, in its predictability, has lost its appeal. Time is too scarce to be squandered on mundane pursuits. I crave the extraordinary, the spectacular, and the awe-inspiring. Whether witnessing fireworks, chasing sunsets, or engaging in activities that defy the ordinary, I seek moments that make my heart race. In embracing the unconventional, I ensure that my life remains vibrant and exhilarating, filled with memories that are anything but ordinary.

In conclusion, reaching 70 has afforded me the clarity to avoid three key detractors from a fulfilled existence: the scorn of others, unpleasant people, and the dullness of convention. By casting off these burdens, I embrace a life of autonomy, positivity, and excitement.

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